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Sławne cytaty

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

"osobno maszerowac, razem uderzac" Helmuth von Moltke


"Obserwuj wszystko z wysokiego punktu widzenia, otwartym i niezmaconymumyslem" Miyamoto Musashi


"Wladca, ktory podbija wolne panstwo i nie zrownuje go z ziemia, popelnia wielki blad i powinien spodziewac sie rychlej kleski" Niccolo Machiavelli


"Musisz cenic i szanowac tych, ktorzy sa ci oddani, a nie sa pazerni" Niccolo Machiavelli


"Jesli znasz siebie i innych, nie zagrozi ci niebezpieczenstwo nawet podczas stu bitew" Sun Tzu



Tempus Fugit jak jasna cholera!


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Gość bar_open

Wódka to najlepsza inwestycja … wysoko oprocentowana i szybko się zwraca.

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na czasie:

"dajcie mi człowieka a ja na niego znajdę paragraf" - Andriej Wyszyński


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ja współżyję z trzema mechanikami(...)

"A był dla kierowania zespołem tym, czym Herod dla Towarzystwa Przedszkolnego w Betlejem"


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"Punktualność jest przywilejem królów, a obowiązkiem poddanych"

Nie wiem kto, ale bardzo mi się podoba :lol:

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Znalezione w necie i wcale nie sławne, ale dobre:


"Skąd mam wiedzieć, co myślę, zanim usłyszę, co powiem?"

Ry2nźdiger Schultz - Programista

Pozdrawiam serdecznie - Jan

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Gość saitek

Nie wiem czyje to ale słuszne jest :)


"Lepiej być idiotą i milczeć niż się odezwać i rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości. "

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Gość Ireneusz Paluszek

niezbyt zany, ale zdecydowanie interesujący :)


Guy de Maupassant w liście do Roberta Pinchona /marzec 1877/


"Mam kiłę! Nareszcie! Najprawdziwszą na swiecie. Nie jakiegoś tam mieszczańskiego tryperka, nie byle jakie pryszcze. Nie, nie - wielkiego syfa - takiego, na który umarł Franciszek I I jestem z tego dumny. Alleluja - mam syfa, więc nie muszę już żyć w strachu, że go złapię"

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Gość Ireneusz Paluszek

- A kim ty jesteś?

-Nie ważne kim jestem. Ważne jest przestrzeganie przepisow BHP, a zwłaszcza na kolei. Cześśść!


"Hydrozgadka" A. Kondratiuk

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Rządzić to znaczy móc na wszystko powiedzieć: Nie (Charles de Gaulle )

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Gość Dilon

"Nie ma ludzi niewinnych,sa tylko zle przesłuchiwani" - F.Dzierzynski z tego co pamietam..

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Cytat "zegarkowy":


W filmie "Trzeci człowiek" postać grana przez O. Wellesa mówi:

"In Italy for 30 years under the Borgies they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."




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Gość Majowy Diabeł

M. Twain:

Lepiej siedzieć cicho i sprawiać wrażenie idioty niż się odezwać i rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości


Niewim kto

Lepsze jest wrogiem dobrego



Nie jesteśmy Bachem

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"Z prawdą jest jak z d*pą; każdy ma swoją".



J. :cool:

Jacek Tomczak - Janowski


Warsztat Szyderstwa Artystycznego

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Gość Majowy Diabeł
"Z prawdą jest jak z d*pą; każdy ma swoją".



J. :cool:



Nie zjesz, nie będziesz miał w d*pie


Piotr Marek

Wiara jest jak d*pa - trzeba ją mieć

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Za każdym mężczyzną który odniósł sukces, stoi kobieta która nie ma co na siebie włożyć.

James Stewart

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Gość Majowy Diabeł

w moim domu niestety na czasie



Szlachetne zdrowie nikt się nie dowie jako smakujesz aż się popsujesz

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w moim domu niestety na czasie


"Życie jako śmiertelna choroba, roznoszona drogą płciową".

(wiem, pocieszyciel ze mnie jak z kolczastego drutu myjka)


J. :wink:

Jacek Tomczak - Janowski


Warsztat Szyderstwa Artystycznego

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kilka cytatów z "Peaceful Warrior"


"I wonder how deep the stream is today?" I casually remarked, gazing absentmindedly

down into the rushing waters. The next thing I knew, I'd splashed into

the churning, muddy brown water. He had tossed me off the bridge!

"Well, how deep is it?"

"Deep enough," I sputtered, dragging myself and my waterlogged clothes to shore.

So much for idle speculation.


On a construction site in the Midwest, when the lunch whistle blew, all the

workers would sit down together to eat. And with singular regularity Sam would

open his lunch pail and start to complain.

"Son of a gun!" he'd cry, "not peanut butter and jelly sandwiches again. I hate

peanut butter and jelly!"

Sam moaned about his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches day after day after day.

Weeks passed, and the other workers were getting irritated by his behavior.

Finally, another man on the work crew said, "Fer cris sakes, Sam, if you hate

peanut butter and jelly so much, why don't you just tell yer old’ lady to make

you something different?"

"What do you mean, my old' lady?" Sam replied. "I'm not married. I make my own





"You, too, Dan, need to escape. You're a prisoner of your own illusions--about

yourself and about the world. To cut yourself free, you're going to need more

courage and strength than any movie hero."





"To really get it, you must observe yourself to see what I mean. You have an

angry thought bubble up and you become angry. It is the same with all your

emotions. They're your knee-jerk responses to thoughts you can't control. Your

thoughts are like wild monkeys stung by a scorpion.'"



I’ve already told you that your compulsive attention

to the mind's moods and impulses is a basic error. If you persist, you'll remain

yourself--and I can't imagine a worse fate!" Socrates laughed heartily at this,

and Joy nodded approvingly.

Why defend a self you don't even believe in? When are you going to grow up?"



grown these past few months, but I entered the

office with the same questions: "Socrates, I've finally realized the extent of

my mental noise; my horse is wild--how do I tame it? How do I turn down the

noise? What can I do?"

He scratched his head. "Well, I guess you're just going to have

to develop a very good sense of humor."



"For you, Dan, a conscious process of transformation has begun. It cannot be

reversed; there's no going back. To try and do so would end in madness. You can

only go forward now; you're committed."



Right now you're a

tangled mass of twisted circuits and outmoded habits. You're going to have to

change habits of acting, of thinking, of dreaming, and of seeing the world. Most

of what you are is a series of bad habits."


"How then, am I going to earn your respect, O Great and Awesome Warrior?'"

"By changing your act."

"What act is that?"

"Your 'poor me' act, of course. Stop being so proud of mediocrity; show some



you should be angry--but make

sure you direct that anger wisely."


"Then the warrior never feels the normal upsetting emotions?"

"In a sense, this is true."


"Joseph, this young question machine is named 'Dan'. Push a button and he asks a



"Superior people are always held in fear and awe,"


"One of the Japanese Olympic gymnasts once told me that it's not your bad habits

that count, but your good ones." "That means your good habits must become so strong that they dissolve those which are not useful."


"'Consider the final words of advice the Buddha gave to his disciples."

"'What did he say?" I awaited inspiration.

"' 'Do your best.'



"Death is not sad; the sad

thing is that most people don't ever really live at all."


One thing is certain: you don't have much time left! Each day that

passes is one day closer to your death. We are not playing games here, do you

understand that?"


“Now let me tell you about Satori a Zen concept. Satori is the warriors state of

being, it occurs at the moment when the mind is free of thought, pure awareness

the body is active, sensitive, relaxed and the emotions are open and free,

Satori is what you experience when the knife is flying towards you.”




"As a child, all this would appear before your eyes and ears and touch as if

for the first time. But now you've learned names and categories for everything.

"That's good, that's bad, that's a table, that's a chair, that's a car, a house,

a flower, dog, cat, chicken, man, woman, sunset, ocean, star, you’ve become

bored with things because they only exist as names to you, the dry concepts of

the mind obscure your vision.”

Socrates waved his an in a sweeping gesture, taking in the palms high above our

heads that nearly touched the Plexiglas canopy of the geodesic dome. "You now

see everything through a veil of associations about things, projected over a

direct, simple awareness. You've 'seen it all before'; it's like watching a

movie for the twentieth time. You see only memories of things, so you become

bored. Boredom, you see, is fundamental nonawareness of life; boredom is

awareness, trapped in"


Refine your senses a little more each day; stretch them, as you would in the gym. Finally, your awareness

will pierce deeply into your body and into the world. Then you'll think about

life less and feel it more. Then you'll enjoy even the simplest


What time is it?"

Shaken by my brief flight, I responded, "Um, it's right on the garage clock-- :35."

"Wrong The time always was, is, and always will be now! Now is the time; the

time is now. Is it clear?"


"Stay in the present. You can do nothing to

change the past, and the future will never come exactly as you plan or hope for.

There have never been past warriors, nor will there be future ones, either. The

warrior is here, now. Your sorrow, your fear and anger, regret and guilt, your

envy and plans and cravings live only in the past, or in the future."

"Hold on, Socrates. I distinctly remember being angry in the present."

"Not so," he said. "What you mean is that you acted angry in a present moment.

This is natural; action is always in the present, because it is an expression of

the body, which can only exist in the present. But the mind, you see, is like a

phantom, and, in fact, never exists in the present. Its only power over you is

to draw your attention out of the present."



"When I become a warrior?"

"A warrior is not something you become, Dan. It is something you either are, in

this moment, or something you are not.

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Co to za szajs???



Jacek Tomczak - Janowski


Warsztat Szyderstwa Artystycznego

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Nie wiem czy sławny ale:


"Japanese says business is war

it is not true biznes is a game.

Play to win"

// Tomek

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Chłopaki, wyluzujcie :mrgreen:


Z czego to? MUSIAŁO być kultowe :mrgreen:


"Jeżeli my, to znaczy armia, partia albo szkoła, nie jesteśmy atakowani przez wroga, to źle; oznacza to albowiem, że znaleźliśmy się wraz z nim w jednym bagnie".


Przewodniczący Mao





Jacek Tomczak - Janowski


Warsztat Szyderstwa Artystycznego

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"Ignorancja to błogosławieństwo".


Matrix - Cypher w rozmowie z Agentem Smitherm

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"Ignorancja to błogosławieństwo".


Matrix - Cypher w rozmowie z Agentem Smitherm


Błogosławiony biznes polski...


J. :mrgreen:

Jacek Tomczak - Janowski


Warsztat Szyderstwa Artystycznego

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